Skinner and the Place of Biological Variables in a Behavioral Explanation


  • Marcus Bentes de Carvalho Neto Universidade Estadual Paulista - Bauru
  • Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho Universidade Federal do Pará


Radical behaviorism, Skinner, Innate/learned, Biological boundaries of learning


Some critics label Skinner's radical behaviorism as environmentalist, and defender of the concepts of empty
organism and tabula rasa. The present paper aims to discuss the place of biological variables in Skinner's explanatory system
for behavioral phenomena. Based on an analysis of Skinner's work, from 1938 to 1990, the following aspects are outlined: (a)
a relational concept of behavior; (b) the selection by consequences principle of causality; (c) operant behavior as related to the
phylogeny; (d) the denial of equipotentiality of stimuli and of non-existence of biological boundaries of learning. Skinner's
proposals concerning these topics make it difficult to support the critics, and help elucidate how biological variables are treated
in radical behaviorism.


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How to Cite

de Carvalho Neto, M. B., & Tourinho, E. Z. (2012). Skinner and the Place of Biological Variables in a Behavioral Explanation. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 15(1), 045–053. Retrieved from