Beliefs and Misbeliefs About Human Sexuality
Human sexuality, Sex education, Beliefs, Social psychologyAbstract
Based on a study carried out by Lourenço (1993), 385 college students (average age 21 years and 7 months)
answered a questionnaire examining beliefs and misbeliefs concerning sexuality. As in the previous study, responses related to
beliefs predominated, except in items 1,4, 20 and 21. The total number of responses related to misbeliefs was relatively
expressive, particularly considering that the subjects were college students. The main cited sources of information about sex
were (in decreasing order) friends, magazines and books, boy/girlfriends, TV and radio. Others results showed a substantial
percentage of female virgins (27,5%) and a worrying lack of concern in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): of
the 60% who claimed to take precautions against STDs, less than half did in fact take effective measures, specially those who
lived in the suburbs.
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