Social Representation of Islam and Changes in the Stereotype of Muslims


  • Nadège Soubiale
  • Nicolas Roussiau


Social representations, Stereotypes and stereotyping, Changes in stereotypes, Racism


This study deals with discrimination against Muslims in France. Stereotyping phenomena of Muslims has been explored from both the structural approach of social representations and the stereotypes in social cognition. First-year psy­chology students (N= 123) took part in the experiment. In a first step, an association task to stimulus word "Islam" provided the social representations of Islam. In a second step, we tested experimentally if an objective piece of information on Islam change the stereotype of Muslims. It was only reduced for subjects who had some prior knowledge of Islam and whose representation of it was descriptive rather than evaluative. The psychosocial functions of representations and of stereotypes and stereotyping stability are discussed. We also mentioned that a dual-process hypothesis of liking persons or groups (Clement & Krueger, 1998) could enlighten researches on Muslims stereotypes. Finally, we mentioned the role of social practices in social representations and cognitions modifications (Rouquette, 1997; Abric, 1994; Flament, 1994)


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How to Cite

Soubiale, N., & Roussiau, N. (2013). Social Representation of Islam and Changes in the Stereotype of Muslims. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(3), 191–202. Retrieved from