Social Interaction and Reaction to Injustice


  • Eveline Maria Leal Assmar


Injustiçe, Equity, Social interaction, Victim


This research investigated the influence of social interaction on perception and reaction to injustice. The study
was based on Equity Theory, however discussing the need to include the variable social interaction in theorizing about justice,
since the real presence of another person in the situation may determine different reactions to injustice, as compared to those
presented in isolated experimental settings. Three experimental groups were organized: without interaction (18 subjects),
semi-interaction (16 dyads) and full interaction (16 dyads). The subjects participated in sessions in which tasks were proposed.
A prize was offered according to task performance. The experimenter created a victim and a beneficiary of the injustice.
Only the victim's perception and reaction were considered in this study. The analysis of results confirmed the effect of social
interacion on the forms of reaction to injustice. The results are discussed in terms of their implications to a revision of Equity


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How to Cite

Leal Assmar, E. M. (2012). Social Interaction and Reaction to Injustice. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(2), 121–126. Retrieved from