Reflections for an Ethics After Foucault:

Aesthetic of the Existence


  • Wilhelm Schmid


Ethics, Aesthetics, Power, Art of living, Foucault


We live in the period of rediscovering the question of Ethics. But "Ethics" not only mean a normative form,
well-known since Kant and predominant in the time of modernity. To step back to Ancient times gives the example of an Ethics
which is based on the individual choice and prudence of the individual. The new foundation of an Ethics as "Aesthetics of
Existence" is inspired by Michel Foucault.


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How to Cite

Schmid, W. (2012). Reflections for an Ethics After Foucault:: Aesthetic of the Existence. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(2), 103–110. Retrieved from