New Paradigms of Post-Modern Psychology and Psychological Therapies


  • Ercy José Soar Filho Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Post-modern psychology, Epistemology, Constructivism, Social constructionism, Psychoterapy


Nowadays psychology in general and the psychological therapies in particular go through an extensive review
concerning their epistemological bases. On one hand, this review is associated with the developments that raise doubts about
the traditional paradigms of science and, on the other hand, about cultural changes and its reflection especially in humanities
and social sciences, which characterize post-modernism. The present work presents the basis of constructivism and social
constructionism, two streams of the so-called post-modern psychology: a second order discourse about the psychological
theories, and a pragmatic perspective for the psychological therapies and the practices linked to the field of mental health.


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How to Cite

Soar Filho, E. J. (2012). New Paradigms of Post-Modern Psychology and Psychological Therapies. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(1). Retrieved from