Social Turn in the Historiography of Psychology and Institutional Independence of Psychology


  • José Antônio Damásio Abib Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Science, Profession, Techological research, Ideology of social control, Philosophical and social criticism


This essay briefly considers the institutionalization of psychology. It is argued, based on the recent social turn
in the historiography of the discipline, that psychology gained institutional recognition rather as profession than science. With
the process of social, political and cultural legitimation of the discipline, its role as a science was considered of secondary
importance, and in mesalliance with the ideology of social control, psychology became an independent discipline with technological
research practices. It is suggested that there was a lack of philosophical and social critique in order to break away
from the mesalliances of the discipline, as well as to undo, or even to begin, its practices of technological research.


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How to Cite

Damásio Abib, J. A. (2012). Social Turn in the Historiography of Psychology and Institutional Independence of Psychology. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(1). Retrieved from