Scientific Status and Social Relevance -I:
Controversies on the Scientific Status of the Behavioral Sciences
Philosophy of science, Cause, Reason, Subjectivity, Technology of cultureAbstract
The relations between the scientific status and the social relevance of the behavioral sciences are discussed.
These sciences are viewed as an important part of the cultural paradigms which shape and regulate the individuals in
contemporary society. More specifically, the objective is to understand how a scientific language may be constitutive of the
individual's "inner reality" ”” his beliefs and values, and, above all, how he accounts for his own actions. This article deals
with the philosophical literature on the scientific status of the explanatory language of the behavioral sciences which provides
the basis for the discussion. The discussion focus on the controversy about the role of causes versus reasons in the explanatory
context of these sciences. Such controversy reflects different definitions of these terms, which are derived from the two main
views of science in the contemporary debate: objectivism and pragmatism. Four main positions are identified. These positions
correspond to different combinations of the roles which are attributed to causes and reasons in the explanatory context of these
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