Cultural Canalization of Child-Child Interactions in Preschool


  • Angela Uchoa Branco Universidade de Brasília
  • Thereza Pontual de Lemos Mettel


Socialization, Child-child interactions, Preschool


Tcacher-students interactions, as well as the ecology of classrooms, are here discussed from a co-construetivist
perspective of child development. Co-constructivism emphazises the dialectical interaction between culture and the active
participation of the child in his/her own development. A methodological approach to the study of the "hidden curriculum" of
schools is illustrated by an observational research designed to investigate the teacher's role in the cultural canalization processes
(through facilitation/inhibition) of child-child interactions within a preschool setting. Videotaped interactions were segmented
into units for interaction analysis (UIA), encompassing categories related to both child-child and teacher's behaviors. The
results indicate the existence of recurrent patterns of cultural canalization, which are consistent and compatible with each activity
in which children participate. The most important canalizing tendency was the promotion of prosocial behavior among children.
Specific aspects related to the teacher's role within educational institutions are here discussed from a systemic and co-constructivist
approach to child development.


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How to Cite

Branco, A. U., & Mettel, T. P. de L. (2012). Cultural Canalization of Child-Child Interactions in Preschool. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 11(1). Retrieved from