Baby's Vocal Production:
A Dyadic Shared Construction
Baby's vocal production, Dialogue, Shared activity, MeaningAbstract
Baby's vocal production was analysed as an outcome that emerges from the history of the dialogical between the partners. Natural settings video records from a mother-infant dyad, over the first six months of baby's age, were
analysed. Face-to-face and mother-object-infant dyadic organizations were investigated. The greater proportion of vowel like
sounds was evident only in face-to-face organizations. A relationship between a higher proportion of the dialogical process of
specularity and a raising of vowel like sounds was found in face-to-face organizations. A theoretical and methodological
perspective that considers the development of communication as a relational and dialogical process is proposed. This process
construets shared meaning through the creation of novelty. The emergence of the partners and the own process of communication
results from this processual dynamics.
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