
  • Livia Simão


Knowledge construction, Verbal interaction, Researcher-subject dialogue


This article examines some aspects of the dialogue
between the researcher and the subject while being considered verbal
interactions leading to a knowledge about a theme. Therefore w& present
a description of the results of a study about this interaction between the
researcher and the subject that refers to categories of interaction and to
types of modification found in the cognitive nature of the subject's verbal
reports. Afterwards some relations between these results and certain
funcions of the humam language are established trying to understand how verbal actions may lead to construction of knowledge about a theme.


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How to Cite

Simão, L. (2012). VERBAL INTERACTION AND KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION:: SOME ASPECTS OF RESEARCHER-SUBJECT DIALOGUE. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 8(02), 219–229. Retrieved from