
  • William Ð’. Gomes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


In September and november of 1986, eight women and two
men, all students, with ages ranging from 21 to 26, in psychological treatment,
described trough interview their perception about psychotherapeutic
change. They considered their experience as positive and identified the
results in terms of changes in the way to deal with their problems, changes
in the knowledge of themselves and changes in their interpersonal
relations. After two years, the same persons were interviewed again.
Then, it was found that from seven that were in treatment one interrupted its psychotherapy to do psychoanalysis, three terminated their treatment,
one had an episode of hospitalization, and one is still in treatment. One
that had terminated his treatment reported some crises episode and one
that had interrupted it returned to analysis. It was not possible to find two
of them. The results, using criteria of qualitative analysis, support the
premise of the original study that the therapeutic experience is critically
perceived and evaluated by the patient. The conclusions are supported,
also, by the consistence found between the description thematic content
and the theoretical considerations of the literature.


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How to Cite

Ð’. Gomes, W. (2012). THE RETROSPECTIVE EXPERIENCE OF BEING IN PSYCHOTHERAPY:: A FOLLOW UP. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 6(1), 87–105. Retrieved from

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