
  • Tarcizio Quirino


Social psychology is seen as one of the most advanced
among the social sciences, because it overcame the duality between
theory and empirical research. The paper shows how Mead and Heider
contributed to this, having as a common ground their intellectual origin at
the German university of the last century. Characteristics of their contributions
are compared, similitudes are contrasted and differences are emphasized.
The perception process, the social influences upon the individual
as well as the forms of coordinating one's actions vis-a-vis the others
are taken as subject of analysis. It is concluded that Heider's contribution
is most akin to the modern conception of the empirical science, while
Mead's is most akin to the conception of humanistic science. However,
the contributions of both of them have been adopted by modern social psychology
in either of its two most important springs: the one which tends
toward psychology and the one which tends towards sociology.


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How to Cite

Quirino, T. (2012). MODERN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY SPRINGS:: MEAD AND HEIDER. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 5(2), 159–176. Retrieved from