
  • Euza Maria de Rezende Bonamigo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Vânia Maria Moreira Rasche Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


This qualitative study describes the child rearing pratices in
poor social class families that live in a big urban city in Brasil (Porto Alegre,
RS). Data gathering was done first with three families, with different
familial structure, using participant observation and interview for this part
of the study. Based on this data, a questionnaire was organized and was
used in the interviews with 30 families; twelve nuclear, eleven extensive and seven one single parent. The data analysis involved the search of similarities
and differences intra and inter familial groups, a synthesis of the
three types of the familial groups as well as a description of the major
themes that emerged in the family dynamics of these families. The results
show that there are no relevant differences in the socialization practices in
the three types of familial structures and the woman is always the primary
caretaker of the minors. In the discipline practices there is a predominancy
of physical punishment and the restriction of autonomy. As far as sexual
roles, it is evident the sexual stereotype and sexual taboo. It is very
noticeable the aspiration of formal education and college degree for the
children. The affective relationship is warm in the vast majority of cases.
Television and radio are the main options of leisure. A few recomendations
for future research and for pedagogical practices are made.


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How to Cite

Maria de Rezende Bonamigo, E., & Maria Moreira Rasche, V. (2012). THE SOCIALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN LOWER CLASS FAMILIES. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 4(3), 295–315. Retrieved from