
  • Ana Cecflia de Sousa Bastos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Naomar de Almeida Filho Universidade Federal da Bahia


This paper reviews the scientific literature about the general
hypothesis of social determination in the field of Child Psychiatry and
Social Psychology of Development. The authors approach four clusters of
variables which have been associated with the occurrence of child mental
disorders: parental psychopathology, parental separation (or loss), social
class and quality of early family environment. The literature reviewed
shows that studies dealing with immediate family environmental factors
produced relatively more consistent and precise results than those investigations
which included only usual socio-economic and family variables.
Finally, the authors discuss the most relevant conceptual and methodological
problems of research on Child Psychiatric Epidemiology.


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How to Cite

Cecflia de Sousa Bastos, A., & de Almeida Filho, N. (2012). SOCIAL DETERMINANTION OF CHILD MENTAL HEALTH:: A REVIEW OF THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL LITERATURE. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 4(3), 268–282. Retrieved from