
  • Natércia Poinho Ferreira dos Santos Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


The objective of the research was to deal with the nature
of adoption, comparing and evaluating some aspects of the
interaction between parents and adopted, and parents and biological
children. Twenty four families, twelve with biological, twelve
with adopted children, participated in this study. The adopted
cases constituted 'full' adoption, i.e., all links with the previous
family were severed and the name of the new family assumed. Parents and children were interviewed and answered a specially
prepared and validated questionnaire. In the majority of the cases,
the null hypothesis was not rejected, and no significant differences
in the interaction between adoptive and biological parents and
their children were found. More frequently, a difference was found
between father-child and mother-child interaction independent of
the child being adopted or biological. While one cannot loose sight
of the reduced generalizability of the present study, the consistency
of the results suggests that if the adoption process is carried out
appropriately, the possibility for parents and adopted children to
be happy with each other can be the same as for parents and
biological children.


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How to Cite

Poinho Ferreira dos Santos, N. (2012). THE POSSIBILITIES OF SATISFACTION IN ADOPTION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 4(2), 113–128. Retrieved from