
  • Antonio Carlos Ortega Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Mónica Pereira dos Santos Sociedade Cultural Monteiro Lobato


This study consists in the assessment of the sensibility
of the Family Drawing technique in relation to age, sex and birth
order. The sample was composed of 300 children, aged 7 to 9, males and females, belonging to families with two children andfrom the same
socio-economical level. The Family Drawing technique was
administred individually with the instruction: "Draw your family".
The drawings were analysed with the aid of a method which contains
52 characteristics and is distributed in three levels: general
characteristics of the drawing, level of formal structures and level
of content. The results revealed the sensibility of the technique
inasmuch as the majority of its characteristics were
significantly associated with the variables under consideration.
Based on the analysis of the meaning of these characteristics, the
fact that most authors consider the Family Drawing just as a projective
technique was questionned. Care in its interpretation was recommended.
Finally, the investigation of some aspects related to
birth order was suggested.


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How to Cite

Carlos Ortega, A., & Pereira dos Santos, M. (2012). THE FAMILY DRAWING AS A TECHNIQUE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT:: INFLUENCES OF AGE, SEX AND BIRTH ORDER. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 3(3), 239–249. Retrieved from