
  • Amina Maggi Piccini Universidade de São Paulo


The article points out some of the reasons that can lead
certain adoptive parents prefer not to reveal to the child that he is
adopted. However, when the decision is to keep secrets or to use
untruths in order to avoid occasional problems, others, much more
severe, can emerge, forthe parents, and above all, forthe child himself.
Three cases drawn from clinical files, allow us to describe some
negative consequences, both psychological and social, mainly resulting
from the adoptive parents insecurity in accepting themselves
serenely as such towards the child taken into their home.


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How to Cite

Maggi Piccini, A. (2012). THE CHILD "DIDN’T KNOW" HE WAS ADOPTED. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(2), 116–131. Retrieved from