Pre-Marital Sex Behavior: A Test To The Theory of Racional Action


  • Maria Alice Magalhães D'Amorim
  • Sinésio Gomide


ln order to test the Theory of Rational Action, the
influence of attitude and subjective norm on behavioral intention was
verified for pre-marital sex intercourse, using male and female students
aged 1 6 to 21. Results, in general, confirm the theoretical model with
positive significam correlations between the variables. Sex differences
were found for attitude, subjective norm and intention, with males
presenting more favorable scores in ali three measures, related to premarital
sex intercourse.


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How to Cite

Alice Magalhães D’Amorim, M., & Gomide, S. (2012). Pre-Marital Sex Behavior: A Test To The Theory of Racional Action. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(1), 32–38. Retrieved from

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