This article reviews research published in the area of
psychology of infant development, stressing the mother-father-child
relationship and interaction as well as similarities and differences in
behavior of both parents in relation to the child during the first years of
Social class, educational level, physical environment, sex and
birth order are some of the variables which have been stressed in
studies on the subject in the last ten years. In addition, some
considerations are mentioned concerning methodological aspects of
studies on the parent-child relationship,
parents versus siblings: A behavioral analysis. Child Development, 53, 643-
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LAMB, M. E. (1976). Interaction between two year-olds and their mothers and
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Child Development, 48, 167-181 (a).
LAMB, M. E. (1977). The development of mother-infant-and-father-infant attachments
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LAMB, M. E. (1 978). Interaction between 18 month-olds and their preschoolaged
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