Sentido e Propósito de Vida na Velhice

Uma Revisão de Escopo




O sentimento de que a vida tem sentido ou propósito é essencial ao ser humano. A ausência de sentido pode levar a um vácuo existencial. Propósito de vida, a exemplo de sentido, também deriva da psicologia humanística de Frankl, sendo considerados sinônimos. No entanto, há estudos que propõem distinção entre os dois construtos. A revisão tem por objetivos mapear ambos os conceitos na literatura gerontológica, examinando-os à luz do envelhecimento. O levantamento nas bases de dados foi realizado de janeiro de 2019 a março de 2020. Foram incluídos 30 artigos. No contexto do envelhecimento, os resultados foram controversos. A literatura revista apresentou evidências para afirmar que sentido de vida e propósito são conceitos distintos, apesar da origem filosófico-existencialista comum.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Boyle, P.A., Barnes, L. L., Buchman, A. S., & Bennett, D. A. (2009). Purpose in life is associated with mortality among community-dwelling older persons.Psychosomatic medicine,71(5), 574-579.

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Hedberg, P., Brulin, C, & Aléx, L. (2019). Experiences of purpose in life when becoming and being a very old woman. Journal of Women & Aging, 21(2), 125-137.

Hedberg, P., Brulin, C., Alex, L.E., & Gustafson, Y. (2011). Purpose in life over a five-year period: a longitudinal study in a very old population. International Journal of Psychogeriatrics; 23(5):806-813.

Hedberg, P., Gustafson, Y., & Brulin, C. (2010). Purpose in life among men and women aged 85 years and older. Int J Aging Hum Dev; 70(3):213-229.

Hedlund, B. & Birren, J.E. (1984). Distribution of types of meaning in life across women. Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America, San Antonio, TX.

Heisel, M. & Flett, G.L. (2014). Do meaning in life and purpose in life protect against suicide ideation among community-residing older adults? In: A. Batthyany, P. Russo-Netzer (Eds), Meaning in positive and existential psychology (p. 303-324). Springer

Hill, P. L., & Turiano, N. A. (2014). Purpose in life as a predictor of mortality across adulthood.Psychological science,25(7), 1482-1486.

Hoeyberghs, L.J., Verté, E., Verté, D., Schols, J.M.G.A., & De Witte, N. (2019). The importance of sources of meaning in life of community dwelling psychologically frail older people. Working with older people; 23(2):65-76.


Hooker, S. A., & Masters, K. S. (2016). Purpose in life is associated with physical activity measured by accelerometer.Journal of health psychology,21(6), 962-971.

Hupkens, S., Machielse, A., Goumans, M., & Derkx, P. (2018). Meaning in life of older persons: an integrative literature review. Nursing Ethics ; 25(8):973-991.

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Jonsén, E., Norberg, A., & Lundman, B. (2014). Sense of meaning in life among the oldest old people living in a rural area in northern Sweden. International Journal of Older People Nursing; 10(3):221-229.

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Kim, E.S., Shiba, K., Boehm, J.K., Kubzansky, L.D. (2020). Sense of purpose in life and five health behaviors in older adults. Prev. Med ., 36, 106172.

Kim, E.S., Strecher, V.J., & Ryff, C.D. (2014). Purpose in life and use of preventive health care services. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 111(46):16331-16336.

Kim, E.S., Sun, J.K., Park, N., Kubzansky, L.D., & Peterson, C. (2013). Purpose in life and reduced risk of myocardial infarction among older U.S. adults with coronary heart disease: a two-year follow-up. J Behav Med, 36:124-133.


Kim, G., Shin, S.H., Scicolone, M.A., & Parmelee, P. (2019). Purpose in life protects against cognitive decline among older adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 27(6), 593-601.

Koenig, H. G., Berk, L. S., Daher, N. S., Pearce, M. J., Bellinger, D. L., Robins, C. J., … King, M. B. (2014). Religious involvement is associated with greater purpose, optimism, generosity and gratitude in persons with major depression and chronic medical illness. Journal Psychosomatic Research, 77, 135-143.

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McKnight, P.E., & Kashdan, T.B. (2009). Purpose in Life as a System that Creates and Sustains Health and Well-Being: An Integrative, Testable Theory.Review of General Psychology,13(3), 242-251.

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Como Citar

Alonso, V., Guarnieri Defanti, F., Liberalesso Neri, A., & Cachioni, M. (2023). Sentido e Propósito de Vida na Velhice: Uma Revisão de Escopo. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.



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