

Montreal Convention; , New CPC; , CDC;, Jurisdiction; , STF judgment


This article analyses the possible impacts of the 2017 Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) decision, which put an end to the long-standing dispute regarding the prevalence of the Montreal Convention over the Código de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (CDC), on jurisdiction. Indeed, the Montreal Convention contains an article regulating jurisdiction in case of both delays (Article 33(1)) and death or bodily injury (Article 33(2)). This provision is mostly in line with Article 21 of the Novo Código de Processo Civil (CPC). However, in some situations a conflict might occur. The article first analyses the decision and then the conflicts between Article 33 Montreal and Article 21 CPC. It then looks at various interpretations of Article 33 around the world and the concept of forum non conveniens. It concludes that the conflicts might only be present in theory, as some interpretations of Article 33 would be in line with the manner Brazilian courts already decide cases.


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Biografia do Autor

Delphine Defossez, Northumbria University

Lecturer in law, Northumbria University, U.K.;  LL.B. in European Law, Maastricht University, The Netherlands; LL.M. in Comparative European and International Law, European University Institute, Italy; LL.M. in International Commercial and Maritime Law, Swansea University, U.K; Ph.D., Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.

Janny Carrasco , Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas, PUC-MG, Brazil

Posdoutora em Justiça Social e Desigualdade na América Latina pela Universidade de Brasilia. Professora de Pós-Graduação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas. Doutora em Direito Internacional pela Universidade de Brasília, UnB. Professora Assistente na Universidade Marta Abreu Las Villas. Mestre em Educação Superior pela Universidade Marta Abreu Las Villas, Cuba. Licenciatura em Direito pela Universidade Marta Abreu Las Villas, Cuba. 


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Revista Direito.UnB |Janeiro – Abril, 2021, V. 05, N.1




Como Citar

DEFOSSEZ, Delphine; CARRASCO , Janny. THE PREVALENCE OF THE MONTREAL CONVENTION AFTER THE 2017 STF DECISION; WHAT ABOUT JURISDICTION?. Direito.UnB - Revista de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 43–64, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 out. 2024.