Call Dossier Number 08 | Volume nº 04 | Number 02

Criminal justice and punishment in a changing world: new technologies, political economy and climate change Call Dossier nº 08 | Volume nº 04 | Number 02

Dr. André R. Giamberardino
(Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR)
Dr. Jose Ángel Brandariz-García
(Universidad de A Coruña – Espanha)
Dr. Marília D. Budó
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC)

Assistant Editor
Ygor Santos de Santana
Pedro Bertolucci Keese

Period of Receipt of Articles
Until, October 15 2024

In view of the profound transformations underway in the world and social relations, the aim of this dossier is to gather research and reflections that investigate their impacts on criminal justice and punitive practices. New technologies, first of all, aim to make possible the police and judicial practices based on data analysis ("big data") with predictive capacity, invoking the need for caution and criticism. The political economy of the penalty, in turn, has been presenting important debates from the Global South and with comparative focus, seeking to understand how social, political and economic transformations in Brazil and Latin America have been reflected in the dynamics of mass incarceration. Climate change is also a thematic axis of the dossier, aiming to publish works that investigate connections with criminology and penology, highlighting the growth of the field of green criminology, with critical matrix, in recent years. Works resulting from theoretical and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) methodologies, basic or applied research, on the following topics will be accepted: new technologies and their impact on police practices, judicial practices and prison system; Political economy of punishment in Latin America; climate change and structural transformations with impact on criminology, criminal law and criminal justice; restorative justice, transformative justice and dialogic conflict resolution modalities; green criminology, climate justice and issues related to the global South perspective; penal abolitionism and ecology. All approaches should consider the Global South as a privileged place of analysis.