The essential content of the right to a healthy job and the free enterprise limits: the case of cigarette tasters in the tobacco industry
Palabras clave:
provadores de cigarro, trabalho sadio, livre iniciativa, conteúdo essencialResumen
Purpose ”“ This paper tackles the essential content of the fundamental right to a healthy job on par with the principle of free enterprise in the employee’s activities who acts as cigarette tasters in the tobacco industry.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ The problem was approached from the viewpoint of an objective theory of the essential content of the fundamental rights and the theory of institutional guarantees.
Findings ”“ Considering the signs of the institutions that constitute the fundamental right to a healthy job ”“ World Health Organization, medical sciences, public health policies, the National Health Council, the National Constituent Assembly and their analyzes on the free initiative in the wake of the 1988 Federal Constitution ”“ cigarette tasters cannot be identified as following the basic underpinnings of the right to a healthy job.
Practical implications ”“ Cigarette tasters’ activity in the tobacco industry affront the legal-constitutional framework outlined from the essential content of fundamental right to a healthy job. Therefore, the activity should be prohibited.
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