The Regulatory Function of Contracts: Regulation and Private Autonomy in the Organization of Economic Power
contracts, regulatory function, hybrid contracts, relational contractsAbstract
Purpose ”“ This paper identifies, amongst long-term contracts, its regulatory function, by way of applying a twofold interpenetration based on regulation and the theory of contracts.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ This paper consists in a literature review having as a background the perceptions of the New Institutional Economics, especially the works of Coase (1988) and Williamson (1979). In the field of the theories of regulation, the paper features Cary Coglianese’s (2003) work on management-based regulation, to be compared with the state of the art of the theory of contracts.
Findings ”“ The role of contracts on the governance of private relations goes far beyond the mere regulation of specific exchanges. The regulatory function of contracts, hence, is a powerful way to analyze long-term relations in order to overcome old and inadequate dogmatics.
Originality/value ”“ This paper suggests the regulatory function of contracts ”“ i.e., the role of contracts on structuring long-term relations ”“ is a fundamental asset on contractual analysis, since these agreements establish a truly new private ordering around legal obligations.
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