The Intervention of the Controlling Shareholder in Concession Contracts in the Public Service of Electricity Distribution: Provisions and Contractual Innovations in the Light of Reflexive Law


  • Acácio Alessandro Rêgo do Nascimento Brazil's Energy Independent Commission


autopoiesis, reflexive law, public services, electricity, intervention, controlling shareholder


Purpose ”“ It analyzes to what extent the intervention of the controlling shareholder and its inherent provisions in power distribution utilities contracts are validated in the light of reflexive law constructs.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ The dogmatic and socio-legal approach is applied, based on the theory of autopoiesis and reflexive law. It proceeds with the normative selection, tabulation and comparison of the contractual clauses related to the controlling shareholder, constant in the contracts of the ten most prominent power distribution utilities with the largest number of consumers and power distribution in 2013. It performs the critical examination of reflexivity of selected rules.

Findings ”“ It concludes that the intervention of the controlling shareholder at the investigated contracts is strongly embodied as reflexive strategies, notwithstanding contractual clauses have few reinforcement mechanisms for regulatory effectiveness.

Practical implications ”“ The application of theoretical principles disclosed in the article and the suggestions offered can be applied in new power distribution utilities contracts, with the purpose of increasing the regulatory effectiveness of the clauses.


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Author Biography

Acácio Alessandro Rêgo do Nascimento, Brazil's Energy Independent Commission

Specialist on Regulation and Enforcement at Brazil's Energy Independent Commission (ANEEL).


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO, Acácio Alessandro Rêgo do. The Intervention of the Controlling Shareholder in Concession Contracts in the Public Service of Electricity Distribution: Provisions and Contractual Innovations in the Light of Reflexive Law. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 119–154, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.