The Performance of the Brazilian Financial Intelligence Unit in the Prevention of Money Laundering in View of the Theory of Responsive Regulation
Brazilian Financial Intelligence Unit (COAF), money laundering law, compliance duties, sanctions, responsive regulationAbstract
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the institutional practice of the Brazilian Financial Intelligence Unit (COAF) in the supervision of the subjects regulated by Law nº 9,613 of 1998, the Money Laundering Law, to verify if the body is making use, in its operation, of responsive mechanisms of regulation.
Methodology /approach /design ”“ The research was based on the Theory of Responsive Regulation of AYRES and BRAITHWAITE (1992) as a parameter for the critical analysis of COAF's performance. Based on this theory, the official information released by the regulatory body was evaluated, especially the numbers and data contained in the 2016 Activities Report and in the Decisions Syllabi of its punitive administrative processes, adopted since 2012.
Results - The research has shown that, although a regulatory design that privileges dialogue, persuasion and education has been established, as a way of stimulating regulators to implement compliance duties, there has not been an appropriate stepping-up of the regulatory pyramid with progressive application of sanctions which are sufficiently dissuasive to make compliance with the rules economically rational.
Practical implications - The analysis presented in this paper may contribute to discussions about the improvement of COAF's regulatory performance.
Originality / relevance of the text - This article fills a gap in the study of the regulation exercised by COAF, evidencing that the body has been struggling to use strategies of responsive regulation in its performance.
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