Regulation and its tangled expectations
The case of permit to build work on railroads
Regulation. Normative expectation. Cognitive expectation. Building work permit. Internal differentiation of Law.Abstract
Purpose ”“ To understand the elements of a regulatory obligation in an environment with a high level of legal, technical and economic complexity.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ Starting from the specific case of the permit from the ANTT to the execution of building works, it was intended to identify the elements of this obligation, especially those that transcend the eminently legal dimension. This identification started from the dichotomy between normative expectations and cognitive expectations, formulated by Niklas Luhmann in the development of his Theory of Social Systems, to observe a higher complexity in this obligation, which demands the development of a new classification for such expectations.
Findings ”“ In conclusion, a rather complex framework was identified in this seemingly simple obligation. If this were to be described exclusively as a normative expectation, it would leave out elements specific to cognitive observations that end up entering regulatory law through its methodology, which considers, through interdisciplinarity, components of a technical and economic nature, resulting in a tangle of expectations.
Practical implications ”“ On the one hand, the development of this classification can help the interpreter of regulatory law to observe its object, making it more attentive to such components that are normally seen as foreign to its field of knowledge. On the other hand, the regulator itself will be able to have a clearer overview to the expectations involved, assuring its regulatory instruments greater adherence to regulatory objects.
Originality/value ”“ The article contributes to broaden the understanding of regulatory mechanisms in the context of their social adequacy, bringing greater familiarity to both regulators and regulated with the complex nature of their tooling.
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