




The aim of this article is to demonstrate the inner relation
that exists between religion and cultural development and
how the present crisis of modern culture has its roots in a
deeper crisis of religion in Western Society. To this task,
we try to understand the human self as the root of cultural
formation as Freud has proposed and how religion is
implicated in culture. Afterwards, we face the problem of
the impasse in modern conception of Ego. This problem
calls our attention to realize how the human self
structured. At this point, we attempt to put in suspension
the consciousness to figure out the deepest dimension of
the human self in order to recognize the source cultural
development. Then, we have a clear figure how the Ego is
established, moreover, we can realize the nature of the
relation that Ego has with the elements of culture. Finally,
we will be able to understand the process of cultural
unfolding responsible for the achievements and the crisis
we face today.


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Cómo citar

GESKE, A. L. (2018). HOMO CULTURALIS, HOMO RELIGIOSUS: THE CRISIS OF MODERN CULTURE AS THE CRISIS OF RELIGION. Revista Brasileña De Filosofía De La Religión, 3(2), 125–149. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842016e17367



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