Lessing; Kierkegaard; Tillich; historical knowledge; eternal happiness; ultimate concern; faith.Abstract
The text clarifies initially the relation between
contingent truths of history and necessary truths of reason, as
expressed by Lessing in his text On the proof of the spirit and of
power. Such a relation is crucial for the elaboration of the problem
faced by the Kierkegaardian pseudonym Johannes Climacus in
Philosophical Fragments, under, among others, the terms
historical knowledge and eternal happiness. In order to deepen the
understanding of this relationship and, more specifically, the notion
of eternal happiness (evig Salighed), the idea of ultimate concern
from Paul Tillich will be developed, in dialogue with Kierkegaard,
as well as the analysis of the concept of faith implied in it. In the
conclusion, it will be shown that, seen from the development here
presented, the concept of eternal happiness, as well as the
determinations and unfoldings involved in it, can have a broader
range than eventually perceived at first sight.
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Na internet: Acesso em 12 de junho de 2021.
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