
  • Christianne Silva Pereira Thomes Viana Faculdade Jesuíta de Teologia e Filosofia - FAJE



The discussion and reflection on religious thought in Rosenzweig and Heidegger is not recent. Including the possible similarities and differences between the authors. Rosenzweig will start from the assumption that religion takes place in concrete experience, and Heidegger in Facticity. In this space, we will analyze some of the analogous and contradictory aspects about the religious thoughts of these German philosophers, whether by assimilation or homeland nationalism; and yet, how these would extend in the field of religious education. For Rosenzweig, this path would allow the possible transformation of a theory of religion into a pedagogy of religion, because, for him, understanding Judaism is to practice Judaism, but not as a religion in itself. For him, it is the personal experience that founds his thought and this experience is expressed in the language of Judaism, an arm that justifies his existentialism. In Heidegger, the task of philosophy therefore postulates the overcoming of the aforementioned epistemological matrix, which should, through the task of thought, turn to the temporality of the times of being through its factual life. In both, the path of language promotes the place of being.



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How to Cite

Thomes Viana, C. S. P. (2021). RELIGIOUS THINKING IN ROSENZWEIG AND HEIDEGGER : SIMILITUDES AND CONTRAPOSITIONS. Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 7(2), 157–169.



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