Confessions; hermeneutic phenomenology; praise; freedom; truth.Abstract
This article intends to propose the path of a phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation of the Confessions, work written by Saint Augustine. First, it tries to elucidate what is meant by speaking of a phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. Then it seeks to capture the hermeneutic dynamics in the work itself and to understand what challenges it poses to an interpretation that harmonizes with this dynamic and thus becomes phenomenological. Thirdly, it tries to think the sense ando the meaning of the work as such and as a whole, starting from its title and trying to capture its intimate intention, that is, its autogenetic principle. The meaning of the title of the work stands out the phenomenon of praise, on and from the horizon of the experience of language. We seek to highlight the autogenetic principle of the work from the phenomenon of the experience of liberation to the truth of God, an experience that occurs in the dynamics of faith and grace.
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