The existence, the flight and the arrival of the gods in the Beiträge zur Philosophie of Heidegger
Existence. Time-space. Flight. Arrival of godsAbstract
The article presents the last two sections of Beiträge zur Philosophie (die Zu-künftigen- The Ones to Come, and Der letzte Gott - The Last God), however, in an attempt to discuss the movement of appropriation and transformation of human existence starting from the flight and the arrival of the gods. The annotations which follow aim at this meeting between man and God or the gods, from a well definite position, namely the foundation (grounding) of human existence as the astonishing site of the truth of being. Precisely, it has a view to the time-space structure in the last two sections of the work. It hasshown, that the annexation of reciprocity between the passage of the last God and essential swaying of the temporal-spatial structure of human existence is indispensable to state the issue of the divine in Beiträge. Finally, they indicate traces of temporality and spatiality in which human existence becomes the place where the event of the passage of the last God occurs.
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