Convergences and divergences among the first phenomenologists of religion
Phenomenology of religion. Gerardus van der Leeuw. Martin Heidegger.Abstract
The goal of this paper is to address two related themes, namely: on the one hand,to survey the main authors and works that influenced directly in the emergence and consolidation of the phenomenology of religions a specific discipline within the study of religions, seeking evidence to what extentit is possible to say that there convergent and/or divergent ideas among the main authors and works; on the other hand,to draw a parallel between two conceptions of phenomenology of religion, taking as its starting point a partial analysis of the works Phänomenologie der Religion (Phenomenology of religion), Gerardus van der Leeuw and Phänomenologie des religiösen Lebens (Phenomenology of religious life) by MartinHeidegger.Downloads
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