Franz Rosenzweig, Cristianism, Marcion, Diversity, Revelation.Abstract
The work of German-Jewish thinker Franz Rosenzweig stands still today as an almost inexhaustible source for philosophical research. Amongst the new perspectives of study, there is a subject matter noticed by Benjamin Pollock about the relation between Rosenzweig and the Marcionite doctrines, at first leaning forward Marcionism in his young years and then, after 1913 and with increasing strength in the next years, just in the opposite direction. In this article we will deal with this subject matter only in an introductory manner, because our interest will be focused in the early Christians and, in particular, in the conformation of their first communities, as well as the relation with the dogma of the Trinity of the three divine persons, as they are described in The Star of Redemption.
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