Criticism and alternatives to political economy: the perspecti- ve of Bernard Stiegler
Political economy. Symbolic misery. Hyperindustrial society.Abstract
This paper attempts to outline the criticism made by philosopher Bernard Stiegler to the culture that has become the hyperindustrial society of contemporary times. Stiegler establishes a necessary relationship between man and technique that, from a traditional philosophical perspective, has favored man over technique in the constitution of subjects. From the work we develop in the Research Group on Bioethics and Complexity at the Military University Nueva Granada, we believe that bioethics must seek a complex wisdom that gives us a different positioning from techno-scientific knowledge and neoliberalism. This, in the face of the new political and environmental challenges of the global era, which is what Stiegler calls hyperindustrial society. In order to shed light to think political economy today, we will use some of the elements of the Stiglerian thought - his look at the culture and the contemporary economy -, to understand the individuation of subjects, in front of a possible sustainable future.
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