Modalidades comunicativo-discursivas de participación en comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje

una propuesta para la evaluación formativa


  • Gustavo Daniel Constantino



learning community. instructional discourse. evaluation. internet.


Evaluation of the virtual communities’ participants learning is one of the most critical and less explored aspects of the instructional designs and activities on the Net, understanding the virtual communities as practice communities (Mercer, 2000). Although the technology allows documentation and quantification of the events in an exhaustive manner ”“the contributions in conferences, chats, e-mails, and work documets”“, these do not reflect on an adequate and qualitative way the discursive process and the real learning achievement, in relation with the instructional design as well as the external criteria of the quality of learning (Garrison & Anderson, 2003). When tutors evaluate the pupils’ participation, this action is usually reduced only to formal or quantitative aspects, because of the lack of interpretative skills for electronic discourse. The aim of this study, based on a corpus constituted of electronic conferences with Latinamerican participants, is centered on development and proposal of instruments of qualitative analysis and interpretation which allow on line teachers/tutors for incorporate different instructive design of on line formation in an effective and parsimonious manner.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Daniel Constantino

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad Católica Argentina) y Magíster en Metodologías y Tecnologías de la Formación en Red (Università degli Studi di Verona). Actualmente es investigador adjunto del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) de Argentina, en el Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural (CIAFIC). Ha publicado diversos libros y artículos entre los cuales se destacan: Didáctica Cognitiva (1996), Investigación cualitativa & análisis del discurso en educación (2002), Presenza vitale contro presenza virtuale: studio contrastivo dei modi strategico-discorsivi della interazione didattica (2002).


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How to Cite

Constantino, G. D. (2020). Modalidades comunicativo-discursivas de participación en comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje: una propuesta para la evaluación formativa. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 5(2), 7–32.



Research articles