Representación del consumo de drogas en historias de vida de personas en situación de calle en Santiago de Chile
¿A quiénes se está entrevistando y citando con frecuencia? Teun van Dijk. Discurso y poder
CDA. drug consumption. homeless people. argumentation. representation of social actors. life story.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to describe the discursive representation of the causes of drug consumption constructed in the discourse of a group of homeless people in Santiago de Chile, from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. The data is composed of life stories of homeless people, from where we have selected topical episodes (Linell, 1998; Van Dijk, 1981) related to drug consumption. The analysis of the data considered argumentative macro-strategies (Toulmin, 1963/2003) and micro-strategies of representation of social actors in the discourse (van Leeuwen, 2008). The results indicate that the family plays a key discursive role in the explanation of the causes of the drug consumption of the speaker. However, at the same time, the speaker presents itself as an active and responsible discursive actor in relation to his drug consumption. Although the data analyzed is small, these results allow us to question some of the most common prejudices against drug consumers that are, at the same time, homeless people.
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