an introduction to education in John Rawls’s work
Education. John Rawls. Pedagogy of justice. Moral formation.Abstract
The objective of this article is to present basic concepts of the work of John Rawls and introduce new readers to the discussion about education that can be extracted from his writings. Considering the author's importance to contemporary political philosophy, as well as the complexity of his texts, it is sought to facilitate the access of the theme to new researchers. Rawls was not concerned specifically on defining a pedagogical theory, however, his theory of justice shows itself dependent on an adequate moral formation of the individuals that compose the society theorized by him. Thus, this article consists of the analysis of bibliographical references produced by brazilian researchers who have tried to describe, exclusively, a formative theory in Rawls or a clear relation between his work and education. Didactically, this research was divided into two parts, namely, a brief introduction to Rawls' theory of justice and a look at a possible pedagogy of justice and its foundations.
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