Lingüística como padrão de escrita missionária


  • Maria Cândida Drumond Mendes Barros Museu Emílio Goeldi



This paper presents the history of two models of orthography for unwritten languages created by evangelical missions, using linguistic concepts. Their diffusion will be analysed as well as the linguistic concepts adopted for the notion of letter and the alliances established between scholars and missionaries in the formulation of these models.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maria Cândida Drumond Mendes Barros, Museu Emílio Goeldi

Pesquisadora do Museu Emílio Goeldi (Belém - Pará), com Doutorado realizado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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Cómo citar

Barros, M. C. D. M. (2010). Lingüística como padrão de escrita missionária. Cadernos De Linguagem E Sociedade, 2(1), 27.



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