Transdisciplinarity and Discourse Analysis: homeless Brazilian migrants
transdisciplinarity, discourse analysis, subjectivity, identity, representations.Abstract
This paper intends, firstly, to present our perspective about the relationship between transdisciplinarity and discourse analysis, arguing for a theoretical heterogeneity: theories of discourse (mainly Foucault), deconstruction (Derrida) and psychoanalysis (Lacan). Secondly, to present some results of a research about homeless Brazilian migrants ”“ people from other regions living in the State of São Paulo. We are interested in understanding some of their representations about themselves and about the other. Among other things, the discourse of the victim and some values of their past are present in their speech, pointing, at the same time, a tendency of inactivity, and of remaining
rocked in hopes, in spite of being disregarded by the hegemonic society.
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