
  • Manuel Montanero Universidad de Extremadura



Classroom discourse; Educational discourse; Discourse analysis; qualitative research.


In this work we abroad six key-decisions that researchers have to consider in educational discourse analysis. Methodological alternatives of collection, segmentation, categorization, representation and verification of qualitative data are examined and exemplified, taking into account the empirical studies published in scientific journals in the classroom analysis framework. Finally implications for improving the rigor of qualitative research of classroom discourse are discussed.


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Author Biography

Manuel Montanero, Universidad de Extremadura

Licenciado en Pedagogía y en Psicología y Doctor en Pedagogía. Profesor titular del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Extremadura (España).


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How to Cite

Montanero, M. (2014). METODOLOGIA DEL ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO EDUCATIVO: SEIS DECISIONES-CLAVE. Papers of Language and Society, 15(2), 117–132.


