The category of Place: Grammar to Discourse
Place, Grammar, Discourse, MSDALTAbstract
The aim of this paper is to discuss some concepts related to synchro-diachronic method to the linguistic analysis of texts (from now on MSDALT) (PARDO, 1996, 2011). This is an exploratory research. Specifically we try to account for the grammaticalized category and, therefore, obligatory Place. It is recognized the orientative role of the category Place; however, this can change its role in the text and become a category of semantic-discursive character. In addition, this category becomes one of the topics of the text in which it is included. This re-functionality of the category of Place seems to keep a link with the postmodern discussion about space, and this happened in modernity with grammaticalized Time
category. This topic is outlined in this paper for future research. The theoretical framework of this research is Discourse Analysis. The methodology is qualitative and the selected corpus is made up of news on YouTube chronic surveyed, of which two are taken as examples. The linguistic analysis is performed by the aforementioned method (PARDO, 2011).
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