


Transborder Literacies, Networks, Assemblages, Mediation, Advocacy


This paper recalls the shift, starting in the 1980s, from seeing literacy as a mental process to understanding it as constitutive of the social world, researchable through an ethnographic approach, focussed on situated texts, practices and events. How we had to re-think the study of literacy since then? Two changes have challenged literacy researchers: firstly the proliferation of on-line and social media and the consequent re-organization of work and daily life; secondly the increase in global mobility, now countered around the world by a securitization of borders, particularly against the poor, as a consequence of paranoid nationalism.  Transborder literacy mediation and advocacy shows how literacy activity functions as an assemblage across time/space, involving mediation.


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Author Biography

Mike Baynham, University of Leeds

Emeritus Professor of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in the School of Education at the University of Leeds, UK. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Baynham, M. (2023). FROM EVENTS TO ASSEMBLAGES:: TRANSBORDER LITERACIES IN AN EMBORDERED WORLD. Papers of Language and Society, 24(1), 236–255.