The discursive construction of indignation in the feminist scream “a rapist in your path”
discourse, rhetoric, emoticons, indignation, valuesAbstract
In this work, we analyze how the discursive construction of indignation takes place, an emotion that is strongly present in online social networks, where people expose their personal or collective indignation. We took as corpus the song “A rapist in your path”, released by the feminist collective Las Tesis, gaining versions around the world after it went viral in 2020. Based on Discourse Analysis theorists who defend the rationality of emotions (Plantin, Amossy, Micheli) and also in Aristotle's precursor proposal on the passions, we found that indignation works in its own organizational scheme, is based on the values of justice/injustice/dignity and is inserted in judicial and epideictic rhetoric.
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