About the right to be (multiple): in favor of some extended linguistic education in context of deafness





Linguistic education, Deaf, Translanguaging, Literacies, Rights


This work aims to discuss the importance of revisiting the linguistic education of deaf with a broader perspective and the urgency of seeking ways to recontextualize proposals based on more renewed, open, and multiple visions. For this, we seek to reflect on issues that justify the defense of an extended linguistic education in the context of deafness and show the contributions of some epistemological foundations for this education. We believe that linguistic education conceived from plural and mobile perspectives can better contribute to the full human development and linguistic formation of deaf people and ensure their linguistic rights.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, G. dos R. . (2021). About the right to be (multiple): in favor of some extended linguistic education in context of deafness. Papers of Language and Society, 22(2), 353–373. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v22i2.40856



Dossiê Educação em Direitos Humanos e Diversidades: aspectos da linguagem