Identity projections in utterances about immigrants from the Americas to Brazil




Identity; Immigration; Projection; Paranoia; French-Brazilian Discourse Analysis


Based on the French-Brazilian discourse analysis, this paper analyzes comments made on cyber news articles in digital news portals. It aims to problematize the Brazilian identity constitution in the confrontation with immigrants from the Americas, especially from Bolivia, Venezuela and Haiti. Although the researched articles from cyber news insist on the insignificance of the impact on the host country generated by this influx, the comments show an ambivalence of the Brazilian regarding the reception of immigrants. The gestures of interpretation have focused the referencing processes, particularly the designation (Guimarães, 2005), and imaginary formations (Pêcheux, [1975]1997), thus enabling to spot a discursive functioning that points out paranoiac traces on the Brazilian identity re-construction. Consequently, referring to some concepts from Freud-Lacanian psychoanalysis, the gestures of analysis discuss the dissonances between the structuring network of identifications of the Brazilian identity constitution and the immigration as a discursive event with the potential to weaken it. Perceptions of the Brazilian subject are evidenced in the sense of fixing and / or redefining the limits of oneself, as well as the protection and / or reaffirmation of identity.


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How to Cite

Tavares, C. N. V. (2021). Identity projections in utterances about immigrants from the Americas to Brazil . Papers of Language and Society, 22(2), 62–78.