The strategyof (re)categorization as an interface between linguistic politeness and impoliteness


  • Geórgia Maria Feitosa e Paiva Unilab
  • Francisca Poliane Lima de Oliveira Secretaria de Educação de Horizonte



Recategorization, Interdiscourse, Politeness, Impoliteness, Coca-Cola


From the understanding that communication is established to maintain social relations and not just to inform something, many linguists have become concerned with studying the issues of politeness and impoliteness as sociated with these social manifestations of communication. In this sense, ou rresearch aimed to understand the recategorization process as na instrument of interface between polite and impolite language. From the analysis of the internal communication action promoted by the Coca-Cola company to celebrate the International LGBT Pride Day in 2017. To conduct this research, we sought to make a case study about the campaign “This Coca-Cola is Fanta. Sowhat?”. Based on the studies in the área of politeness by Leech (1983), Brown and Levinson (1987), and the área of ”‹”‹gender with Butler (1990, 1993) and, in the area of recategorization, with Apothéloz and Reichler-Béguelin(1995) and Jaguaribe (2007), we observed that the process of recategorization occurred in two situations: the first was in the material level from the discursive resumption of a typically offensive idiom against the LGBT group and the insertion of a new expression; The second was on the social level with the suggestion of a change in the people´s expression and attitude. Thus, we conclude that the recategorization process could not be seen, in this issue, as just a process of retaking the referent and its transformation, since, in the campaign of the soft drink brand under consideration, we realized that this process was still capable of generating a social change (beyond the pack aging of the can), thus demonstrating another level of recategorization, that is, the ability to transform a typically na impolite expression into a polite one.


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Author Biography

Francisca Poliane Lima de Oliveira, Secretaria de Educação de Horizonte

Doutora e mestre em Linguística Aplicada (2017) pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará, participante do grupo de pesquisa G.E.E.N.T.E. Tendo trabalhos apresentados e publicados em periódicos e livro nas áreas de ensino, linguística de texto, referenciação, semiótica e design. Atuou como consultora e formadora de professores pelo programa do governo do estado MAIS PAIC.


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How to Cite

Feitosa e Paiva, G. M., & Poliane Lima de Oliveira, F. (2019). The strategyof (re)categorization as an interface between linguistic politeness and impoliteness. Papers of Language and Society, 20(especial), 98–116.



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