Narrativizing the suffering of others in ordinary conversation between lawyers


  • Mayara Nogueira Universidade Federal do Espírito Sanro
  • Roberto Perobelli de Oliveira



Narrative analysis, Speech-in-interaction, Group identity, Co-narrative


Among the daily practices performed by the subjects in the most varied cultures, the act of narrating plays a central role, whose prominent place has been embraced by several fields of knowledge in addition to the studies of language. Whether to recapitulate a past experience, organize the experience or any of its functions, the narrative represents an important object that enables the investigator to understand the social order. From these premises, in this paper I present some conceptions in the sociolinguistic analysis of the narrative, observing how narrative and interaction are engendered in a lunch between lawyers who work together in an area of urban conflict.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, M., & de Oliveira, R. P. (2020). Narrativizing the suffering of others in ordinary conversation between lawyers. Papers of Language and Society, 21(2), 77–97.