

Social and physical environment. Ecolinguistics. Kalderash Gypsy.


The purpose of this paper is to report and comment on a field work I have been conducting among the Kalderash Gypsies of Aparecida de Goiânia (GO) since 2009, emphasizing their natural and social environment from an ecolinguistic perspective. This group comprises roughly 250 people, converted to Evangelic religion. They are semi-nomadic and bilingual in Portuguese and Romanès, the local dialect of Romani, the general language of Gypies worldwide. The spatial distribution of the families in a single neighborhood facilitates a strong interaction among themselves. This includes visits, taking part in festivities, church going and so on. My thesis is that this spatial convivial favors the survival of their ancestral language and their ways of life. It is this sharing of the same natural environment that leads to at least a partial maintenance of the mental and social environment because they are interdependent.


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How to Cite

O MEIO AMBIENTE DOS CIGANOS DE APARECIDA DE GOIÂNIA (GO). (2013). Papers of Language and Society, 14(1), 213–236. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v14i1.22239



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